This image shows Maria Matheou

Maria Matheou

Jun.- Prof. Dr. -Ing.

Subproject Leader
Institut für Leichtbau Entwerfen und Konstruieren


+49 711 685 61698
+49 711 685 63789

Pfaffenwaldring 7+14
70569 Stuttgart

Refereed Journal Papers

Matheou, M., Kallioras, A.N, Lagaros D.N., Phocas, M.C. (2020). Automated Optimal Motion Sequence of a 9-Bar Linkage. Frontiers.

Christoforou, E.G., Phocas, M.C., Matheou, M. and Müller, A. (2019). Experimental implementation of the effective 4-bar method on a reconfigurable articulated structure. Structures. 20, 157 – 165.

Phocas, M. C., Matheou, M., Müller, A., and M Christoforou, E. G. (2019). Reconfigurable Modular Bar. Journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures. 60(1), 78 – 89.

Matheou, M., Phocas, M. C., Christoforou, E. G. and Müller, A. (2018). On the kinetics of reconfigurable hybrid structures. Building Engineering. 17, 32 – 42. doi: 10.1016/j.jobe.2018.01.013

Matheou, M., Phocas, M.C., Christoforou, E.G. (2017). On the Morphology of Reconfigurable Hybrid Structures based on the effective 4-bar Mechanism. Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements, 5(4), 484 – 494. 10.2495/CMEM-V5-N4-484-494

Phocas, M. C., Christoforou, E. G., and Matheou, M. (2015). Design, motion planning and control of a reconfigurable hybrid structure. Engineering Structures. 101(10), 376 – 385. doi: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2015.07.036

Christoforou, E. G., Müller, A., Phocas, M. C., Matheou, M., and Arnos, S. (2015). Design and control concept for reconfigurable architecture. Mechanical Design. 137, 042302-1 – 042302-8. doi: 10.1115/1.4029617

Matheou, M. (2013). Kinetic Hybrid Structure: Design and Motion Planning, E-Journal Archi - Doct, ENHSA Network, 1(1), 90 – 104.

Phocas, M.C., Kontovourkis, O., Matheou, M. (2012). Kinetic Hybrid Structure Development and Simulation. Architectural Computing, 10(1), 67 – 86.

Refereed Conference – Proceedings Papers

Phocas, M.C., Matheou, M. (2020). “Integral Design for Urban Transformation to a Smart City Core”. EAAE-ARCC International Conference, Valencia, Spain, 11-14 November 2020.

Matheou, M., Couvelas, A., Phocas, M.C. (2020). “Transformable building envelope design in architectural education”. Procedia Manufacturing, 44, 116 – 123, 1st International Conference on Optimization Driven Architectural Design, Amman, Jordan, 05-07 November 2019.

Matheou, M., Kallioras, N.A., Lagaros, N.D., Phocas, M.C. (2020). “Motion Sequence Optimization of a Planar Structure”. Procedia Manufacturing, 44, 310 – 317, 1st International Conference on Optimization Driven Architectural Design, Amman, Jordan, 05-07 November 2019.

Dimitriou, P., Phocas, M.C., Kontovourkis, O., Matheou, M., Christoforou, E.G. (2019). “Deployment and reconfiguration approach of linkage structures”. ICETAD2019: International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Architectural Design, Toronto, Canada, 17-18 October 2019.

Matheou, M., Chamseddine, I., Kokkolaras, M., Phocas, M.C. (2019). An Automated Reconfiguration Sequence Process of a Bar-Linkage Structure. IASS 2019: FORM and FORCE, Barcelona, Spain, 07-10 October 2019.

Matheou, M., Phocas, M.C., Christoforou, E.G. (2019). Scale Effect and Load-bearing Behavior of a Reconfigurable Hybrid Structure, The 4th International Conference on Structures and Architecture, Lisbon, Portugal, 24-26 July 2019.

Couvelas, A., Phocas, M.C., Maden, F., Matheou, M., Olmez, D. (2018). Daylight performance of an adaptive shading system integrated on a multi-storey office building. 13th Conference on Advanced Building Skins, Bern, Switzerland, 01-02 October 2018.

Couvelas, A., Matheou, M., Phocas, M.C. (2018). Analysis and development of an adaptive façade system integrated on a multi-storey office building. The Tenth International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology, Sitges, Barcelona, Spain, 04-06 September 2018.

Miranda, R., Fabbrocino, F., Matheou, M., Phocas, M.C., Fraternali, F. (2017). Adaptive Tensegrity Structures for Dynamic Facades of Energy Efficient Buildings. AIMETA 2017, XXII Conference, The Italian Association of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Salerno, Italy, 04-07 September 2017.

Matheou, M., Phocas, M.C., Christoforou, E.G., Muller, A. (2017). Comparative Analysis on Two Actuation Methods of 9-bar Systems through Kinematics Analysis and Experimental Testing. AIMETA 2017, XXII Conference, The Italian Association of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Salerno, Italy, 04-07 September 2017.

Matheou, M., Phocas, M.C., Muller, A., Christoforou, E.G. (2016). At the Crossroads of Architecture and Robotics: Control and Structural Concepts for a Reconfigurable Building. 25th International Conference Robotics Alpe-Adria-Danube Region, RAAD 2016, Belgrade, Serbia, 30 June-02 July 2016.

Matheou, M., Phocas, M.C., Christoforou, E.G. (2014). Integral Design of a Kinetic Hybrid Structure. Proceedings, 781-794, Voyatzaki, M., (ed.), What’s the Matter? Materiality and Materialism at the Age of Computation, ENHSA International Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 04-06 September 2014.

Phocas, M.C., Christoforou, E.G., Matheou, M. (2013). Design and Simulation Analysis of a Kinetic Strut-Cable Beam Structure. Proceedings, 224-236, Ripley, C., Asefi, M., (eds.), International Conference on Adaptation and Movement in Architecture, ICAMA 2013, Toronto, Canada, 11-12 October 2013.

Matheou, M., Phocas, M.C., Christoforou, E.G., Mueller, A. (2013). Design and Control of an Adaptable Hybrid Steel Structure. Proceedings, Starbooks Structural Architecture, Seville, 239 – 244, Escrig, F., Sanchez, J., (eds.), New Proposals for Transformable Architecture, Engineering and Design, First International Conference Transformables-2013 in the Honor of Emilio Perez Pinero, Seville, Spain, 18-20 September 2013.

Christoforou, E.G., Mueller, A., Phocas, M.C., Matheou, M., Arnos, S. (2013). Towards Realization of Shape-Controlled Adaptable Buildings following a Robotics Approach. ASME 2013 – International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC) and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (ICE), Portland, Oregon, U.S.A., 04-07 August 2013.

Matheou, M., Phocas, M.C., Christoforou, E.G. (2013). Adaptable Hybrid Steel Structures. Kinetic Modeling and Simulation Study. Cruz, P.J.S. (ed.), Structures and Architectures: Concepts, Application and Challenges, Second International Conference on Structures & Architecture, ICSA 2013, Proceedings, 1419-1426, Guimaraes, Portugal, 24-26 July 2013.

Phocas, M.C., Kontovourkis, O., Matheou, M. (2011). Integrated Design of a Kinetic Prototype Structure. A Case Study. Stacey, F., Stacey, M., (eds.), Adaptive Architecture, An International Conference at the Building Centre, London, U.K., 03-05 March 2011.

Maria Matheou holds a B.Sc. in Architecture, 2009, a Diploma of Architect–Engineer, 2010, with honors of Excellence in Architectural Design and a Ph.D. in Architecture, 2014, all degrees from the University of Cyprus. Her Post Doctoral research at the Department of Architecture of the University of Cyprus focused on motion planning, simulation and experimental study of a kinetic hybrid structure.

Maria Matheou's research interests lie primarily in the areas of structural and architectural design, kinetic architecture, adaptive structures and envelopes, automation systems, design methods and digital tools. She is experienced in the area of Architectural Technology, Building Construction and Design. Current research focuses on an adaptive kinetic envelope to optimize daylight performance and kinetic behavior in relation to the users and needs.

Academic Qualifications

Doctorate in Architecture, January 2011 – May 2014
Faculty of Engineering, Department of Architecture, University of Cyprus

"Kinetic Hybrid Structures"
Diploma of Architect – Engineer, September 2009 – June 2010
Faculty of Engineering, Department of Architecture, University of Cyprus

"Kinetic and Interactive Architecture"
B.Sc. in Architecture, September 2005 – June 2009
Faculty of Engineering, Department of Architecture, University of Cyprus

Academic Experience

Junior Professor, January 2020 – present
Institute of Lightweight Structures and Conceptual Design, Faculty of Civil and
Environmental Design, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany

Research Associate, OPTARCH-Optimization Driven Architectural Design of Structures,

H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015, 11.2017 – 10.2019
McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 17.03.2018 – 14.08.2018
[Reconfiguration sequence optimization of a bar-linkage structure]

National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece, 03.11.2017 – 15.03.2018 [Daylight performance analysis of an adaptive shading system integrated on a multistorey office building]

Post-Doctoral Degree in Architecture, September 2015 – September 2017
Faculty of Engineering, Department of Architecture, University of Cyprus
"Kinematic Analysis and Experimental Testing of an Articulated Structure with Two Actuation Methods of Reconfiguration"

Research Projects

SFB1244: Adaptive skins and structures for the built environment of tomorrow Coordinator: University of Stuttgart

ADDOPTML: ADDitively Manufactured OPTimized Structures by means of Machine Learning, H2020 H2020-MSCA-RISE-2020, Coordinator: National Technical University of Athens.


Adaptive Façade Skins for daylight performance and visual comfort [B.Sc. and M.Sc.], Institute of Lightweight Structures and Conceptual Design, University of Stuttgart

Adaptive Envelope Structure to optimize daylight conditions for the indoor environment, [M.Sc.] Advisory Member, University of Salerno, May – September 2020, Institute of Lightweight Structures and Conceptual Design, University of Stuttgart

ARH 301.1: Architectural Design VI – Architectural Technology [B.Sc.], [Spring 19, Spring 17, Spring 16, Spring 15, Spring 14, Spring 13, Spring 12], Department of Architecture, University of Cyprus

ARH 331.1: Building Technology [B.Sc.], [Spring 19, Spring 16, Spring 15, Spring 14, Spring 13, Spring 12, Spring 11], Department of Architecture, University of Cyprus

ΑRΗ 503: Diploma Thesis, 3rd Advisor, [Year 2012 – 2018], Department of Architecture, University of Cyprus

Work Experience

Architect Engineer, 2010 – 2020
Architectural Designs and Competitions

Academic Activities

Evaluator in H2020, Information and Communication Technologies Call 3, Topic ICT-21-2016: Support Technology transfer to the creative industries, European Commission, EUROFORUM Building, Luxembourg, 13.06–17.06.2016


Scholarship for her contributions and activities in the Department of Architecture of the University of Cyprus, 2013

Prize of the Lambros and Thalia David Award for Excellence in Architectural Design 2010 for the Diploma Thesis: "Kinetic and Interactive Architecture"

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