Funding Phase II
In March 2021, the Demonstrator High-Riser, which is the central element of the SB 1244, has been completed.
Adaptive components, such as hydraulic actuators and sensors, have been installed in the steel framework. In sum eight hydraulic cylinders are installed in the columns and further sixteen cylinders are installed in stiffening elements. Over 120 strain gauges have been applied on the steel structure to work as sensors.
Since the Demonstrator has been equipped with adaptive elements from the very beginning, it is possible to commence the experiments of Subdomain A and B. Furthermore, Subdomain C can start installing facade prototypes.
In detail, the experimental building is a high-rising building, planed and performed in a modular steel structure. It comprises 12 floors and a footprint of 5x5 m. According to upcoming experiments, elements can be substituted and modified. To have this possibility, the steel columns were performed in segments. To enable access of the 12 floors and to lay electrical installation, an independent stairway was built. The experimental slab lies adjacent to the existing experimental area of the ILEK, which already hosts the Stuttgart SmartShell and other elements. The University of Stuttgart set the basis in requirements, which were necessary to realize the Demonstrator Building.
Z01 is an interdisciplinary project und in the first period of funding Z01 had focus on planning and realisation of the Demonstrator High-Riser, thus Z01 was responsible for coordination und implementation of all research work. Also in the second period of funding, the supervision and coordination of the unique experimental building and its ongoing research work will be a key aspect of Z01.
Z01 cooperates with Subsectors of Section A, B and C to develop concepts and approaches, later to be integrated in the Demonstrator Building and to be validated in the field.
The main targets of Z01 can be announced like the following:
- Technical Improvement of the Demonstrator Building and integration of new concepts coming from Section A,B,C
- Pushing and analysis of processes concerning construction of adaptive building
- Apply new knowledge about processes
- Supporting of the testing of Subsections A,B,C
- Define novel requirements on actuators of adaptive facades and assisting in the developments of actuators.
Subproject Leader
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. h.c. Oliver Sawodny, Institut for System Dynamics
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lucio Blandini, Institute for Lightweight Structures and Conceptunal Design
- Dr.-Ing. Daniel Roth, Institute for Engineering Design and Industrial Design
Funding Phase I
In order to enable extensive research, adaptive components such as actuators and sensors will be integrated into the supporting structure of the demonstration tower even in the basic configuration. Eight hydraulic actuators are integrated in the supports and 16 in the diagonals. More than 200 strain gauges are also applied as sensors to the supporting structure.
This demonstration tower will be a 12-storey high-rise building with a floor area of approx. 5m x 5m. All structural components as well as the façade can be exchanged and modified during the ongoing research since a regular segmentation of the steel structure enables a high degree of flexibility. Vertical access is provided by an external stair tower, which makes the floors accessible via connecting bridges.
The experimental platform planned for the demonstration tower and completed in 2019 lies adjacent to the existing experimental platform of the ILEK, which already houses the Stuttgart SmartShell and other ultralightweight prototypes.
Subproject Leader
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E. h. Dr. h.c. Werner Sobek, Institute for Lightweight Structures and Conceptual Design
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. h.c. Oliver Sawodny, Institute for System Dynamics

Hannah Schürmann
M.Sc., M.Sc.Doctoral Researcher

Philipp Arnold
Dipl.-Ing.Doctoral Researcher

Michael Voigt
M.Sc.Doctoral Researcher